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Auto Mechanic Services in Saylorsburg, PA

Pennsylvania’s Premier Auto Mechanic

Stop wasting your time waiting in the repair shop waiting area. Steve's Auto LLC is a  auto mechanic service providing repairs for both residential and commercial customers in Saylorsburg, PA, and all throughout the Lehigh Valley and Pocono areas. Our professional and reliable mechanics will come to where you are and perform expert auto repair services in the convenience of your own driveway or office parking space with minimal disruption to your daily routine. Let our knowledgeable and reputable staff take care of your auto repairs so you can enjoy more fun activities. You can request your service by calling or sending us a message for a service request.

Man standing in front of commercial vehicle and looking at the camera

Auto Service and Repair at Your Door

You no longer need to tow your vehicle and spend time waiting in an auto repair shop. Our elite mechanics at Steve's Auto LLC are full-time, certified auto technicians that bring their industry-leading expertise whenever and wherever you need it. You’ll benefit from the convenience of experienced auto maintenance and repair services performed without the need to travel anywhere. With our world-class  auto solutions and affordable rates, it is now easier than ever to keep your vehicle in top-notch shape. Get in touch with us today for a free quote.

Customer Reviews

Contact Us

572 Rte 115, Saylorsburg, PA 18353 | 570-856-3205
Monday – Sunday: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM | Emergency After Hours Service Available

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