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Commercial Auto Service and Repair That Comes to You

Is your company vehicle giving you problems? Steve's Auto LLC, based in Saylorsburg, PA, provides light and heavy-duty commercial auto service and repair to Lehigh Valley and Monroe County business owners. We understand the unique needs of our business fleet customers. Having your fleet routinely maintained enhances their life span, and unnecessary breakdowns can be prevented. If there is a breakdown, we are there when and where you need us to minimize downtime and lost revenue. Give us a call to find out more.

Commercial efficient eco-friendly transportation compact mini van for small business and local deliveries standing on urban city street with multilevel apartments buildings serving customers

World-Class Commercial Vehicle and Equipment Solutions

We’re making it easier than ever to manage your company fleet with our on-site auto mechanic services. We service small and medium-sized companies from a wide variety of industries, including construction, landscapers, logistics, home services, warehouse, government/municipality, medical, courier, and more.

  • Road Service Repairs
  • Light-Duty to Heavy-Duty Vehicles and Equipment
  • Preventive and Reactive Maintenance

Convenient Auto Service Direct to Fleets

Eliminate unnecessary expenses and service disruptions from traditional fleet services. Save time and money while keeping your commercial vehicles protected with the quality and convenience of Steve's Auto LLC’s expert service and repair delivered directly to you. With our transparent, affordable pricing and services performed by trusted, highly experienced technicians, we’ll help you maximize your uptime and have your fleet running at its best around the clock. Get in touch with us today.

Experience the Steve's Auto LLC Advantage